Pilates - What you need to know about this kind of fitness exercise

Pilates – What you need to know about this kind of fitness exercise

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Pilates - What you need to know about this kind of fitness exercise

Pilates is a type of physical activity that was developed around a hundred years ago by the German athlete, boxer and bodybuilder Joseph Pilates. As a frail and sickly child, Joseph, instead of surrendering to the will of fate and dying young, began to exercise and soon picked up a set of exercises that are still considered unique today.

In general, Pilates has learned how to get people back on their feet. After injuries, after childbirth, the elderly and the sick. This type of fitness not only proved to be universal, but also so health-promoting that to this day the Pilates system is one of the most popular around the world.

Achieving the highest level of strength and flexibility is what else the Pilates exercises were designed for. The concentration here is on the position of your own body. The abdominal muscles and the framework of strength are actively developed. Also significantly strengthened after the practice is the spine. Injuries during the classes are nonexistent or minimal. Pilates is safe!

There are no varieties of breathing practices here, but proper execution plays no small part. A lot of work is done on lateral (chest) breathing, which strengthens the intercostal muscles. Pilates used to help the wounded get into shape. Now it helps develop:

  • body strength;
  • endurance;
  • muscles (most of the exercises are aimed at strengthening them);
  • the ability to breathe correctly.

All Pilates exercises are repeated and performed as smoothly as possible. Unlike yoga, there is no room for philosophy and you can use some equipment, such as specialized machines, a fitness ball or elastic bands.

Pilates - What you need to know about this kind of fitness exercise

Pilates is a system that has remained one of the most popular in fitness for many years. Many stars have chosen it as a basic exercise, such as Madonna, Paris Hilton, Uma Thurman, Jennifer Aniston, and Charlize Theron practicing Pilates five times a week!

Originally, Pilates was a sequence of 34 exercises that alternated seamlessly, without jerking, flowing into each other. However, trainers can make adjustments to the sequences and even to the equipment. For example, Joseph Pilates, the founder of Pilates, took a big iron rim from a beer keg and twisted it for his classes! 

On one hand, Pilates is an activity that suits everyone. On the other hand, some people may find it boring, especially those who are used to quick results and being constantly on the move. This type of fitness still remains however universal for people with any contraindications. A competent Pilates trainer will give such exercises and loads that will not stress or fatigue your muscles, and also make you healthier!

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