Best home workouts

Best home workouts

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Best home workouts

Interesting exercises of your choice. Here are a few suggestions that can be safely called the “professional league of home exercises”. They require a minimum amount of equipment and you can do any of them, both in the initial and advanced versions yourself.

Burpee – a simple exercise for the whole body

Go down, get up, jump in. The exercise is brilliant in its simplicity. It is suitable as a warm-up for the trained athlete, as well as the most intense part of a beginner’s training. Take a position for push-ups with a wide grip. After you throw your legs back, immediately return them to the palm area, skipping the push-up phase. Make a single jump and return to the original position.

Crouch down and jump

The four-headed leg muscle is one of the strongest in our body, so it is difficult to strengthen it at home. Make a full squat, but as soon as you start to rise, make it more dynamic. Jump as high as possible, but be careful not to hit your head against the ceiling.

Important: move smoothly to the next squat to soften the landing. If this is not possible, jump slightly lower and do smaller squats.

Crossbar pull ups

Want to have a wide, strong back? Gain the strength to give your friends some good advice? Or reduce back pain? You can achieve all of the above by studying pull-ups. Even if you can pull up only once, you will get great results.

Just do one repetition every 30-60 seconds for 10-20 approaches. Is even one time too much? It doesn’t matter! Use a chair to put your chin on the crossbar and then slowly fall down to your straight arms.

Best home workouts

Push-ups to increase chest circumference

If your goal is to enlarge and strengthen your chest, make push-ups the main item in your weekly list of exercises. The basic version quite quickly becomes too simple, but fortunately it can be complicated in many creative ways. Try cotton push-ups, a few seconds of lowering or changing the position of your arms – do 10 repetitions.
Are you just getting started? Limit yourself to the phase of lowering and get up with your knees on the floor.

Plank – different types

While practicing at home, one should not forget about strengthening deep muscles. A classic exercise for this muscle group is a bar. Perform with different grips to work out all the muscles of the body. Lean on your forearms for 15 seconds, then continue the exercise with a side support on your left hand. Return to the starting position for 15 seconds, then switch to the right hand. Rest for a minute, then repeat the approach 3-5 times more. Too difficult? Reduce the exercise time to 10 seconds and go to the palm rest, by increasing the angle between body and floor, the exercise will be a little easier.

Hits on quadriceps

Above, we looked at squats that will help you strengthen your quadriceps. The buttocks require just as much attention. They should be trained first of all by athletes, because these muscles generate the strength needed for sprint, kicks, etc.

Stair climbing is the best. Do a total of 100-300 reps, resting every 20-50. If the outbursts are too difficult, take a low chair and rise alternately with your left and right foot. If you live in a multi-storey home, go up the stairs to the top floor.

Best home workouts

Not enough curls?

Take your battle with your six pack to a new level. Lie down on the mat, legs straight, hands raised behind your head. At the same time, lift the body and legs so that the hands touch the feet just above the thighs. Too hard? The starting position is the same, the end legs are bent and the hands are stretched forward along the body.

Stretching exercises 

After you have trained all muscle groups, it is worth spending a few minutes on stretching. If you have time for only one exercise, it is not a big deal. You will need a sofa. Put your knee in the place where the back meets the seat, and place the second leg on the floor. You should feel the tension in the hip area. Not intense? Move the leg from the floor to the seat, which will increase the angle between the hips and make the exercise more difficult. You can also use the wall for stretching by placing something soft under the knee.


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