
Best breakfast ideas: 10 products for the day’s first meal


The whole world aspires to a more healthy lifestyle. The first meal is very important! And you need to make it tasty and healthy. Catch the most useful products and ideas for breakfast.

According to the standards of good nutrition, breakfast should be 30% of the total daily ration. It should be protein-carbohydrate and consist of healthy and correct products. To make the “first meal” rule work better, try to do it beforehand:

  • A nutrition plan was developed and the type of body structure was determined;
  • Favorite foods are defined (and unloved foods are excluded);
  • The day is divided by the number of meals;
  • physical activity is selected.

Ideas for breakfast: 10 right products for your first meal

Oatmeal. Everyone has this loose product. Buckwheat, pearl, rice- only whole grains. Because the grinded nibs or quick cooking options do not contain anything useful. Oatmeal contains vitamins and slow carbohydrates.

Cottage Cheese. A source of protein and calcium that the body needs. Non-fat cottage cheese is good, but ordinary cottage cheese is more useful.

Eggs. Contains protein, amino acids, antioxidants and vitamins B12 and D. An omelette or an egg made of several proteins and one yolk will be a great start to the day.

Yogurt, but not on an empty stomach. It is better to start climbing with a glass of warm water. And after 1 hour you should eat yogurt. It should be natural and sugar free. It is difficult to find such a product in stores now, but you can do it.

Nuts and seeds. There is a great choice, and there is no need to limit yourself. You can buy only 100 grams. Eat with oatmeal, smoothies, yogurts and healthy sandwiches.


Honey. You can talk a lot about it for a long time, but it is worth not eating more than 5 teaspoons per day.

Berries and fruits. A wonderful addition to porridge, cottage cheese, and smoothies. A treasure trove of vitamins at any time of year.

Whole-grain or rye bread. Cell tissue, B vitamins, correct carbohydrates – everything is contained in one slice. Add a slice of bread to breakfast.

Black, natural chocolate. Yes, chocolate! And in the morning! Just keep it in the fridge: first, away from the eyes, and second, you will need to keep it cold for a long time. You can eat one piece a day. One piece in the morning will allow you to wake up quickly, increase efficiency, neutralize free radicals, and positively affect the normal operation of the heart.

Sugar-free green tea. You can finish your breakfast with a cup of tonic and healthy green tea.

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